

All provided items are sourced from top-quality Indian manufacturers, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Instruments quoted are from reputable manufacturers. For repairs or services after instrument sales with guaranteed support, users must await the availability of Service Engineers or Technicians from manufacturers in different states, in line with their tour schedules. Prices remain valid for a period of 15 days from the current date and are subject to potential revisions authorized by manufacturers. Additional GST charges will apply as applicable. Packing, forwarding, and freight charges, where applicable, will be added at cost for deliveries beyond a 10-kilometer radius from the city. The quoted items can typically be delivered within 3-4 weeks from the order date, subject to prior sales. Availability of all items quoted aligns with the Catalogue/Price-Lists provided by manufacturers. We do not take responsibility for items that are unavailable or not supplied by manufacturers at the time of order execution. Imported items do not come with any Guarantee or Repair/Service after Sales. We take utmost care in packaging to prevent damages or leaks during transportation. However, we are not accountable for any breakages or leakages that occur in transit. You can consider arranging Insurance Cover for transit-related breakages or leakages. Chemicals are generally supplied in the specified minimum packaging. Bulk supply is possible wherever feasible. Due to transport regulations, acids and other hazardous chemicals cannot be shipped. It is advised to arrange for personal delivery of such items that you have ordered. Any inadvertent errors and omissions are subject to correction at any time. Payment upon delivery should be collected directly from our office or through bank documents. Payments are expected within thirty days from the date of our invoice. Failure to meet this deadline will result in an interest charge of 24 percent on outstanding dues. Any disputes arising from this transaction will be subject to the jurisdiction of courts in Bangalore City only.

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