
Return/Refund Policy

We accept return and refund requests in the following situations: when the product delivered is damaged, when a wrong product is sent, when the product is in a non-functional state, or when the product is defective. Buyers have 3 days (7 days for a complete PC set) after delivery to inform us of any disputes in the order and request a return or refund. Buyers can notify us via email or phone call.


For gaming chairs, only part replacement is available for defective or damaged products. No refunds are provided for gaming chair orders.


If the product seal is broken and the product is not faulty, return or refund requests will not be applicable.


Return or refund requests will be canceled if any part or accessory is missing from the product box.


Buyers should keep the packaging material until the return window opens to ensure proper packing and avoid damage during transit.


Products should be packed in the same manner as received, without applying tapes or glues directly on the product or its box, as this may result in cancellation of the return request.


All accessories that were delivered with the product should be returned along with the product.


Refunds will be processed in the same account used for payment via our payment gateway. For bank transfer and COD orders, refunds will be made to the buyer’s bank account. It usually takes 7-10 working days for refunds to reflect in the buyer’s account.


If the payment was made using Bajaj EMI, a 5% deduction will be applied to the order value/total amount if the buyer cancels the order.

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