

BIO PH-01 pH Meter


A pH meter represents the hydrogen ion concentration in pH units. A pH meter consists of a glass electrode and a read-out screen. The glass electrode is made of very thin glass that establishes and measures the electrical potential difference between the analyte solution (the solution to be measured) and an internal reference. The electrical potential is then converted into a pH reading for the sample.


Technical Specification:

Technology Microprocessor based
Display (Dual 4-digit green LED 0.56″ (pH & mV)

2 Red 0.3” LED (Temperature)

pH Range: 0 to 14 pH
mV: 0 to ± 1999 mV
pH Resolution 0.001 pH
Repeatability ± 0.001 pH and ±1 mV
pH Accuracy 0.001 pH ±1 digit
pH Input Combined electrode with BNC connector
Input impedance > 1012  Ohms
Temperature Compensation Manual or Automatic 0 – 80°C
Parameter selection Feather touch switches
Calibration Two-point manual calibration
Accessories • Sealed gel-filled epoxy body, Ag/AgCl Electrode (Imported)

• Temperature Probe (PT 100)

• Buffer SET 7.0, 4.01, 9.20  (For calibration)

• SS Electrode Stand & Power chord


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